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I am Professor Emerita of History at Birkbeck, University of London, Professor Emerita of Rhetoric at Gresham College, and a Fellow of the British Academy. I am the prize-winning author of fifteen books, as well as over 120 articles in academic journals. In 2022, Reaktion Books published Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence and Oxford University Press published Birkbeck: 200 Years of Radical Education for Working People. My book, entitled Evil Women, is now 'in press' with Reaktion Books. I am currently writing a book on 'wine and women', that is, female cultures of wine-drinking. My books have been translated into Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Turkish, Korean, and Greek.  


Breaking news: On 25 April 2025, I will be giving the Alan Graham Memorial Lecture of the Irish Association for American Studies at Trinity College Dublin. Join us!

Joanna Bourke

Hi, this is Joanna Bourke. Welcome to my website.

Why are humans so violent? What do we know about how and why bodies and sexualities have changed over time? How can we forge more equitable and peaceful worlds? What role does Higher Education play? These are just some of the questions in cultural history that intrigue me.


I hope you enjoy my site.

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