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Here are my publications. Many of them have links and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did researching and writing them. 


Monograph; audiobook; translated into Italian, Korean, Chinese (x2), and an Indian edition 

DISGRACE is the first truly global history of sexual violence. It delves into the factors that facilitate violence but also gives voice to survivors and activists. I argue for a transnational feminism that will promote a more harmonious, equal, and rape-free world.

Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence

London: Reaktion Books 2022

Monograph and audiobook

In 1823, Birkbeck was founded as the London Mechanics' Institution. This book traces its dynamic history, reflecting on life and culture in London over two centuries. How does education help us become fully human and fulfilled?

Birkbeck: 200 Years of Radical Learning for Working People

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022

Monograph; translated into Chinese, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish

How did British, American, and Australasian men and women experience acts of killing during the two world wars and the war in Vietnam? Was there a role for pleasure as well as trauma?

An Intimate History of Killing: Face-to-Face killing in Twentieth-Century Warfare

London: Granta Books, 1999

Monograph; translated into Chinese and Turkish

The ways in which people respond to pain have changed dramatically over time. the book explores questions of language, religion, diagnosis, gesture, sentience, sympathy, and pain relief.

The Story of Pain: From Prayer to Painkillers

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014

Monograph; translated into Chinese, Czech, Italian, and Spanish

The rapist, rather than the victim, is at the centre of this book. How have people 'made sense' of sexually violent men? Can we imagine a future without violence?

Rape: A History from 1860 to the Present

London: Virago, 2007


This book explores the ways that violence and war have become internalised in contemporary culture. It calls for a radical overhaul of our stance towards militarism.

Wounding the World. How Military Violence and War-Play Invade Our Lives

London: Virago, 2014

Monograph; translated into Greek, Italian, Chinese, and Russian

This books interrogates the landscape of fear from the nineteenth century to the present.Prominent themes are death, disasters, phobias nightmares, social hysteria, war, the body, and anxiety

Fear: A Cultural History

London: Virago, 2005

Monograph; translated into Turkish

What does it mean to be 'human' rather than 'animal'? This book explores this question in relation to language, bodies, feelings, gender, radicalisation, law, ethics, diet, and species boundaries.

What It Means To Be Human? Reflections from 1791 to the Present

London: Virago, 2011


This book explores the ways that violence and war have become internalised in contemporary culture. It calls for a radical overhaul of our stance towards militarism.

Deep Violence: Military Violence, War Play, and the Social Life of Weapons

Berkeley: Counterpoint, 2015

Edited volume; trabslated into Chinese

This books explores how artistic portrayals of war have. hanged between the Crimean War and the present. There are 23 contributors. It is lavishly illustrated (445 illustrations).

War and Art: A Visual History of Modern Conflict

London: Reaktion Books, 2017


Based on letters, diaries, and oral histories, this book explores the impact of the First World War on the male body.

Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain, and the Great War

London: Reaktion Books, 1996


What did it mean to be 'working class' between 1890 and 1960? What is the relationship between class, gender, and ethnicity?

Working-Class Cultures in Britain, 1890-1960: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity

London: Routedge, 1994

Forty CDs in 10 volumes (one for each decade) tracing the history of twentieth-century Britain.

Eyewitness: An Audio History of Twentieth-Century Britain

London: BBC, 2004-5

Major Audio


This list is, therefore, very incomplete. For a full list of my publications, please go to my CV under the tab 'Who Am I'.

I have over 120 publications.

Journal of Social History, 42.3 (spring 2009). Prepublication draft:

'Divine Madness: The Dilemma of Religious Scruples in Twentieth Century America and Britain'

19. Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 15 (1012). Open Access:

'The Sensible and Insensible Body: A Visual Essay'

Theory, Culture, and Society, 29.3 (May 2012). Open access:

'Sexual Violence, Bodily Pain, and Trauma: A History'

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 23 (December 2013). Details:

What is Pain? A History' (Prothero Lecture)

in Robert Gregory Bodice (ed.), Pain and Emotion in Modern History (London: Palgrave, 2014). Details:

'Phantom Suffering: Amputees, Stump Pain, and Phantom Sensation from the Eighteenth Century to the Present'

in Bolette Blaagaard and Iris van Der Turn (eds.), The Subject of Rosi Braidotti: Politics and Concepts (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014). Prepublication draft:

'Killing in a Posthuman World: The Philosophy and Practice of Critical Military History'

in Philip Dwyer (ed.), War Stories: The War Memoir in History and Literature (New York: Berghahn, 2016). Details: Pugnacity_Pain_and_Professionalism_British_Combat_ Memoirs_from_Afghanistan_2006-14

'Pugnacity, Pain, and Professionalism: British Combat Memoirs from Afghanistan, 2007-14'

Journal of War and Culture Studies (March 2016). Prepublication draft:

'Love and Limblessness: Male Heterosexuality, Disability and the Great War'

in Efi Kyprionidou (ed.), Compassion and the Phenomenology of Ilness (Athens: Nissos Publications, 2017). Prepublication draft:

'Phantom Suffering and the Problem of Compassion: A History'

Claire McKechnie-Mason and Daniel McCann (eds.), Dreadful Passions (London: Palgrave 2017). Details: Frightened_and_Rather_Feverish%27_The_Fear_of_Pain_in_Childbirth

'"Frightened and Rather Feverish": The Fear of Pain in Childbirth'

SVAC (eds), Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts (Berlin: SVAC, 2019).

'Discourses, Representations, Trauma: Reflections on Power'

Articles and Contributions to Edited Collections

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