Here are my publications. Many of them have links and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did researching and writing them.
Monograph; translated into Italian
Sexual contact with non-human animals is one of the last taboos. This book explores shifting understandings of bestiality and zoophilia, including religious, medical, and cultural tropes. It draws on queer theory, post-human philosophy, disability studies, and the history of the senses.
Loving Animals: Reflections on Bestiality, Zoophilia, and Postmodern Love

London: Reaktion Books, 2019
What were the lives of Irish women like, between 1890 and 1914? This book traces the shift of their labour to of the fields and into the home.
Husbandry to Housewifery. Women, Economic Change, and Housework in Ireland 1890-191

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993
Edited with Robin May Schott
'Resilience' has replaced 'trauma' as the catchword of late modernity. How can we explain its popularity and what does the concept reveal about militarism?
Resilience: Militaries and Militarization

London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022
Edited volume
Edward Casey was no war hero. His account of four years service with the Royal Dublin Fusiliers reveal his personal and sexual insecurities during his military training and war service.
The Misfit Soldier: Edward Casey's War Story, 1914-1918

Cork: Cork University Press, 1999
Forty CDs in 10 volumes (one for each decade) tracing the history of twentieth-century Britain.
Eyewitness: An Audio History of Twentieth-Century Britain

London: BBC, 2004-5
Major Audio
History and Theory, 55 (December 2017). Prepublication draft:
'Theorising Ballistics: Ethics, Emotions, and Weapon Scientists'
Psychology and Education: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 53.1-2 (2016). Prepublication draft:
'Hazing: Bullying in the Military'
Journal of Social History (April 2017). Prepublication draft:
'Psychiatry, Hate Training, and the Second World War'
Social History of Medicine, 31.4 (November 2018). Details:
'Police Surgeons and Victims of Rape: Cultures of Harm and Care'
with Louise Hide, Social History of Medicine, 31.4 (November 2018). Open access:
'Cultures of Harm in Institutions of Care: An Introduction'
in Deborah Padfield and Joanna M. Zakrzewsha (eds.), Encountering Pain. Hearing, Seeing, Speaking (London: UCL Press, 2019). Details:
'Me and My Pain: Neuralgia and a History of the Language of Suffering'
in Jonathan Obert, Andrew Poe, and Austin Sarah (eds.), The Lives of Guns (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
'Dum-Dum Bullets: Constructing and Deconstructing "The Human"'
in Sara Graca da Silva (ed.), New Interdisciplinary Landscapes in Morality and Emotion (London: Routledge, 2018). Abstract:
'Neville Heath and the Politics of Sadism in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain'
Historical Reflections/Reflexions Histories [Journal]. Prepublication draft:
'The Rise and Rise of Sexual Violence'
Journal of the British Academy, 7 (1919). Open Access:
'Radical Physics: Science, Socialism, and the Paranormal at Birkbeck College in the 1970s'
in Louise Edwards, Nigel Penn, and Jay Winter (eds.), Cambridge World History of Violence. Vol. IV: 1800 to the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). Prepublication draft:
'A Global History of Sexual Violence'
in Danielle Celermajer and Alexandre Lefebvre (eds.), The Subject of Human Rights (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2020). Preview: